Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Besides scrapbooking, one of my other favorite things to do during "me" time is read. I LOVE to read. So, in honor of my other hobby, I created a bookmark out of my scrapping supplies. Sarah is an avid reader too, so I made one for her as well. They were both made using a tag off clothing from Target.

Products used: #1 Paper: Golly Gee , Rub-ons: Morocco , Flowers: Flower Frenzy, Letter Stickers: Chestnut, other: ric rac.
#2 Paper: Cornelia Street, Letter Stickers: Chestnut, Flowers: Felt Fusion, Stickers: Grow, other: fiber.
These bookmarks were so fun (and fast) to make. It's amazing what we can do with this wonderful hobby of ours, isn't it?


Bonita Rose said...

so inspiring, I love them!

MNScrapbookmom said...

Great bookmarks and ideas. These are just lovely. :)¥