My scrapping stuff is all over the place. In the garage, downstairs, under the stairs, upstairs. You get the picture. Unfortunately this means all of my creativity has to remain in my head for now. Sophia is almost 3 months and I have done one page of her. One page. I don't want to forget any of her "moments" before I get to put them down on paper. It makes me sad that she is growing so fast. She is probably our last child and it's bittersweet for me right now. I want to remember everything!
Ali Edwards did a post today about her little baby and what she loves about her personality. I am going to jot down a few of the little things that Sophia does. The things that make her, well HER.
*the little squeaking noises you make while you are sleeping*the way you lay with your hands above your head while sleeping-just like Matt did
your smiles
the joy that comes across your face when you see your daddy or your melts me.*your girly clothes
your little birthmark on your head
*the way your pinky toes stick out when you fan out your toes*your wild hair after a bath
baby smell after a bath
soft baby skin
*such contentment when you are held*you still love to be swaddled
the noises you make when you have your dee-dee (our name for the pacifier here)
*your unconditional love for us at this point and ours for you always*Then I will be able to journal about them when all of my stuff is one little room. Eventually...