Thursday, March 29, 2007

To Prima or Not...

Okay - so I was browsing the Prima site. Wow - they have some really cute things. I'm a huge Prima fan - although my purchasing has decreased a bit in the past months.

From a retailers standpoint I have some issues with Prima. From my experience they have terrible customer service and I always have to wait soooo long for my items to ship that we don't buy a whole lot from Prima. Our first order took over 12 weeks to get to us! YIKES!

With all the other companies that have petals, flowers, etc ~ I have to ask. Is Prima past it's prime? Tell me what you think!

1 comment:

Bonita Rose said...

I personally feel there are alot of other choices out there, ur right. Why limit yourself to only one company? I use all kinds of manufacturers in my creations... no loyalty issues with me.. I use whatever works... see u guys later today!