Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!! Here's to you and yours in 2007. May the memories of 2006 be in your minds forever. As the new year begins the tradition of new year's resolutions is present. Mine are simple, yet difficult.

1) Make better decisions financially. Save more, spend less.

2) Exercise my body more. Brain and muscles alike.

3) Lose weight. I now have even more motivation because I am going to be in my really good friend's wedding. Thank you Pieps for asking me! I am so excited!

4) Say more I love you's. To everyone that I care about.

5) Call my friends and family more.

6) Be more organized.

7) Be successful with this small business venture.

Lucky number 7...that should be enough to try and achieve for the year!

What are your resolutions for the coming year?


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