Friday, March 09, 2007

My 52 Weeks

I've been having trouble with my creative mojo, and so to get motivated - (Thanks Beth!!) I am going to start the Emily Falconbridge 52 week - cards. To get the lowdown click --> here

Here are my first two (in no particular order) Since I am starting a few weeks behind I figured I could pick and choose which ones I did first. i don't think that it matters how the 52 topics fall out - just as long as I get them all, right?

I am proud of...

Love, Love, Love...
Jenn - I know your life is super duper busy. I know how much you miss scrapbooking - so as much as I hate to do it. I challenge you to do ONE of your 52 cards. I know you can do it.


Bonita Rose said...

way to go Sarah, ur cards are great.. congrats for starting them... .hugs

beth said...

your cards are so good, sarah! thanks for sharing them.