Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

I know that the day is almost over, but I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter. If you are reading this after Easter, I hope your day was a blessed one. We saw both sides of the family this weekend. It was nice to see everyone. The boys have been sick the last few days and I hope they will be on the mend soon. Ear aches, stomach aches, coughs, and runny noses all make for long nights and days! They did get to open their baskets in their pjs this morning and that brightened the day for a few minutes. Poor kiddos...

Happy Easter to you and your family!

~Jenn and Sarah


Bonita Rose said...

Easter greetings to you too!!!! Jenn, hope your boys feel better soon.. it's no fun being sick... hugs

MNScrapbookmom said...

Glad that you had a nice Easter, hope everyone is feeling better now... Sick little people are the worst, you just want to hug them and comfort them until its all gone. :) ¥