Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I've been tagged.

So Beth - our resident Freelance Designer has tagged both Jenn and I. The rules are: each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to blog about their seven things and post the rules as well . At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names.

Okay - here I go...

1. I hate to cook. My husband does ALL the cooking. Not sure why cooking has been such a hard thing for me. My mom is a awesome cook. She is super duper cook. I'm just not into it. My idea of cooking is picking up Applebee's to go. Hmmm... it was my night to get dinner. Can you guess what we had for dinner?

2. I am one of the messiest people I know. I intentionally do not invite my parents over - because my mom would be so disappointed at what a dirty house I keep. Ask Jenn - she'll tell you how messy I am. Up to until recently our office looked like a tornado hit it.

3. I still get tucked in at night. Each night my husband tucks me in. He stands at the end of the bed and waits for me to crawl in, and then he takes the end of the blankets and swings them up in the air and covers me up. As childish as this is, I still cherish this ritual that he does for me every night. P.S. Usually after tucking me in - he crawls in on the other side. Don't get me wrong - I won't go to bed at like 7pm.

4. Friends mean so much to me. I don't know what kind of person I would be without my friends -- plus who else would help you hide a body in time of need? ha, ha.. just kidding there isn't a body, yet...

5. I am a workaholic. I think I get it from my dad. I work and work, and work. There are many times during the week you will catch me working on Scraploft stuff, and reading e-mails, and getting phone calls from work. I think that is why "loving" my job is so important to me. I actually don't mind working. And when I am not working....

6. I love watching TV. I am a proud owner of 2 80 hour DVR's. Not ONE, but TWO. I records tons of shows - and watch a lot of TV. Some of my faves are: The Office, Grey's, House, L&O, CSI, ER, Bones, Hero's. I don't watch a lot of TV during the week - but I totally make up for it on Sundays.

7. Last random thing.... I am a blog junkie! If I know you and you have a blog - I check it. A LOT! I love to read all about others lives... Some of the blogs that I read (most aren't even scrapbook celebraties!) - Beth, Nicole, Linda, Bonnie, Kyra, Nancy, and Alli - and this is just my normal "list" of blogs to read. Here's the catch though.... I usually don't post comments...

Okay - now the 7 to tag... I guess I'll tag the seven I just listed. Since Beth, Nicole, and Linda have already been tagged - and I am just waiting on their responses - that leaves me with Kyra, Nancy, Bonnie and Alli to notify...

Can't wait to see your answers.


Bonita Rose said...

silly you..I'm the one that originally tagged beth.. so here are my answers here: happy reading!
see this link,

beth said...

i was tagged twice and figured i should do it. thanks for taking the time too.